Question: EFI Live tune installation


<<<< No Horsepower
Dec 30, 2008
Lexington, Ky
Make sure your battery on both your laptop and truck is in good shape.

If you have a handheld tuner loaded in your truck RETURN TO STOCK.

Plug the cable into your USB of your laptop, and the other end into the data port of the truck. Turn your ignition to the RUN position (BUT DO NOT START THE TRUCK). Launch EFILive tuning tool. If it says DEMO MODE, make sure you loaded the USB driver from EFILive.

Download your stock tune: FLASH->READ PCM CALIBRATION
This will take about 3 minutes. Turn off ignition for 15 seconds. SAVE the calibration "MyTruckStockECM". Copy it to at least 2 computers. You need to make sure you always have a copy of your stock tune. Now SAVE AS "TowTune" or some other working name, just to be safe.

.email a tune my stock tune to have it modified.
.once I get the dsp tunes back.

Go back to the truck and hook up with the key in the RUN position. Launch EFILive Tuning Tool.

Select FLASH->Program PCM Calibrations. You will hit start, and it will say the cable is not "married" to the truck. Close the FLASH window and try again, and there will be a new button on the window to allow you to marry it.

Thats all it takes isn't it? Or do I have to take any other steps. What does "marry" mean?

If anyone is wondering I got this info from Pat's 20-20 Tow Tune on this website
Dec 2, 2006
When you "Marry" the cable that just uses a License from your EFILive software and applies it to your ECM, only that license can be used for that ECM now.

Safe you stock file in about 3-4 different places, Tune Librarys, Email it to yourself a couple of times, load to a few different computers, etc...

Looks like your headed in the right direction.


New member
Nov 30, 2009
So. Cal.
To download your stock tune for the first time does the truck and cable need to be married? In other words, is a license taken up for reading and saving the stock tune?