Edge products fined by Epa


Oct 27, 2009
Canton, MI
So you guys blame EPA ( which I cannot stand ) for this and go on to place the blame on other vendors. H&S was confronted by EPA after their stupid video of an LML blowing big time smoke on a public hyway. They were told to stop and their answer was FU. Why would the other vendors do this? EPA doesn't make deals.
I have pm's from H&S calling me the biggest asshole that ever lived when I told them they should not have made that LML video public. They said I was a paranoid MF. They called me stupid. I told them that they compromised the whole diesel industry and they told me to FO.
Now I hope they burn in hell.

cant help those who dont want to be helped.

just sucks it reflects on us...


Feb 16, 2009
So you guys blame EPA ( which I cannot stand ) for this and go on to place the blame on other vendors. H&S was confronted by EPA after their stupid video of an LML blowing big time smoke on a public hyway. They were told to stop and their answer was FU. Why would the other vendors do this? EPA doesn't make deals.
I have pm's from H&S calling me the biggest asshole that ever lived when I told them they should not have made that LML video public. They said I was a paranoid MF. They called me stupid. I told them that they compromised the whole diesel industry and they told me to FO.
Now I hope they burn in hell.

I remember that thread where it all started, and being part of telling them they were bringing this down on all of us. And I also remember them saying they do work for the government and they were untoucheable because of it. Now we see the EPA is going for the jugular and fining a company that complied when the EPA told them to stop making them, so I wonder how it will work out for H&S after they seen the writing and STILL did it.

Unfortunately the public still needs to be educated that roling coal ISN'T cool anymore.


Aug 17, 2010
Southeast Iowa
You won't ever be able to get them to realize that blowing gobs of smoke isn't good. You have to many "rebels".
Blowing diesel smoke has become a fad and like all fads it will pass, but this will leave a wake of trouble for the diesel community.


Ehhh?.... You don't say?
Jul 24, 2012
NE Oregon
yeah they probly could but they want us to be in debt so they can keep taking more money and raising taxes. that money just goes to the government like the rest of our tax dollars


Mar 19, 2012
Arthur, Ontario
Why do you think it's the same? :confused:
We don't have an SS like EPA breathing down our necks here.

its not as bad here but they are still gonna take away our tuners because they are made in the U.S.A or so i would guess. i know here in ontario if the mto gets you for no dpf its a fine of 5000 and a tow until it is back stock.


Smell My Finger...
Aug 14, 2006
I don't necessarily blame the EPA as it's your responsibility to ,as a business, to operate lawfully and if you don't, and get caught , you have no one to blame but yourself.

Do I believe the EPA is being excessive ? Absolutely but when you rub their nose in to it then not only do you suffer but so does everyone else. H&S posted videos that may or may have not caught the attention of the EPA but I don't believe it all starred there.
I believe it started way back when with the so called lawyers draft and finger pointing naming names. Perhaps this brought more attention to this budget savings shake down on small business in a recession.
This letter was the beginning in my opinion written to cover ones ass or for perhaps revenge on some true R&D . So IMO the H&S video was the straw that broke the camels back. The fines and demands put on Edge is ludicrous.

I don't think MikeL ratted out H&S which the pms I'm receiving are implying! :roflmao:


I like turtles
Nov 15, 2011
Lincoln, Ne
Who gives a chit about H&S. There tunes suck anyways. The vendors are the ones that are but hurt about it cause the H&S was the easiest way to delete dpfs and install gauges. Easy money.


New member
Jul 23, 2010
I don't care what guys do with their trucks a hoot to hell it's their business. We have to now be ready to have all diesels taken to government pollution centers for checks in Colorado for license plates emissions stickers and some Jr. High grad checking the truck over for approval or NOT. So this will just get tighter and then you will see all states be so hard on diesels you won't afford to fix or have them is what I think the Coal Rolling is getting us all. Do what ever you think is cool but don't believe they can't come get you on an emissions program in all the states and counties it's already underway fellas so I'd just not piss off the public drivers with black out bullcrap because you have the fuel dialed up and laugh at your big cloud for a mile after you merge in. I use to just let it go about these guys but it is ruining those of us who need clean running trucks to work. I have to admit sitting at the starting line when the Power Service car takes off and fogs everyone stinks and sucks when you're covered in it and can't see the pass. I'm not a tree hugger far from it just saying that the fan base for diesel racing might get tired of breathing this and sitting in it from all directions too. Not many fans in those bleachers that I count compared to the NRHA racing today. I'm getting a Camaro and making a runner from it because the diesel problem makers are ruining the diesel format into an EPA trap. Just hope my LBZ can be road useable far into the future. So go fast the world is what we make it but don't blame the laws if it's so gross to live in because of a few idiots making black clouds for 3 miles on the freeway because they have an old Dodge with their heavy tuning pissing off the others who drive too. It is going to come to your house too just a matter of time fellas! Look at the gun deal and the speed they are after your arms and rights at this minute. There isn't a reason to make a bullseye on your ass just for fun. Have it anyway you want I say it's your truck etc. race whatever but the future looks BLACK. Get it???


Why do I keep doing this?
Staff member
Apr 19, 2008
Mid Michigan
We all knew this would eventually happen. Time for the aftermarket to come out with hi-flow Cats and DPFs, and for tuners to figure out how to make power without all the smoke. New problems demand new solutions.
I would worry that the EPA might start coming after LBZ and LLY exhausts and Cat deletes next....but then those trucks are getting older, so there may not be any money in it for them.

Makes me very glad I drive an LB7 and never updated my EFI V1. :rofl: Who knew?


wait, what?
May 30, 2011
Minot, ND
Tuners can make tunes just fine without smoke, well the good ones can. That isn't the issue, it is the retards that make smoke look cool and try to sell on it. But you are 100% right, time for someone smart to do a high flow DPF and I think DEF is the way to go


Why do I keep doing this?
Staff member
Apr 19, 2008
Mid Michigan
I should have said, "on the LMM-LMLs" because the extra soot causes excessive regenerations. There's got to be a way to solve that.


wait, what?
May 30, 2011
Minot, ND
oh I see what you mean, I still think in LB7 lol. I know Rob has been tuning a shop truck with the DPF still on. I could see a track only Y pipe that you can undo for off road use only. Or maybe some sort of propane injection for the regen.


Why do I keep doing this?
Staff member
Apr 19, 2008
Mid Michigan
It's just the next step that diesel performance has to take (forced to?), I guess. Its similar to the '70s when cats were first installed on cars. "Test pipes" and such were big business until the EPA forced people to stop selling those parts.
We'll get there, but the people who have the creativity, ability and R&D money to create those hi-performance parts have to step up. Those who dont, wont (if you get my meaning).
In the meantime, enjoy the LML for what it is....a good towing truck.