Nice video. Guess I have to get the new rims on and take some pics to make the next video. I did not make it in this one.
You made it Steve you are in part 2 there are more trucks in the second part shuld have it up in a couple days missions pending. But it is more along the lines of towing sled pullin and draggin part 3 will be all the vids I recieved.
HELL YA! Awsome job buddy!
TEAM KANSAS :beer: :wup:
Now i really needa get this sucker done for some respectable pics!
You need to put down the beer of the night and get that damn thing done. By the way what is the beer of the night?
(although the music is sooo not my style)
How heavy do want to hear? Do I need to keep it PG-13? Metal gets a bit limited in the PG-13 deparmant. Come on guys let me know I am very close to finished and need to decide on a song, so I can do the final touches