i was doing some traveling this week to see a friend and we always race when i come into town. well since im running efi now he said i should run with the big dogs and made a few phone calls. the guy i ran was running a lmm with a ppe on 300, built tranny and lift pump. im running efi tuned by harley at georgia diesel and 5 inch exhaust and sleeves on 35's....thats it. i ran him in 4hi and put three trucks on him REAL fast and kept it that way. he wanted to run in 2wd so i did and kept a fender on him till i lifted right before the tranny would limp around 95 mph. nobody can believe that my truck is running like that with a stock tranny and fuel pump...but she is. i know it wont be for long because i can feel it slip more everyday but im gonna run her til she blows. i cant wait to get a new tranny and lift pump so i can see what the ole lb7 will really do because i still have one more level to try on my dsp5.