i never changed the tliq since modifying the tbiq. i changed the throttle base i think to much in the left side of the table. if it works like i am thinking it should stop to much fuel until the rpm is up higher.
The order in which things works is this:
1) TPS% sets mm3 amount asked for by the driver via pedal %
The ecm uses this value to look up the the fueling in main injection pulse w or w/o pilot by using the mm3 reference in TBIQ, but
Before it can determine what mm3 quantity is it needs to lookup the fuel pressure request and that is rpm and mm3 based.
2) Once the ecm determines fuel pressure it determines pulse width and then references pilot and main timing from that reference.
3) On a shift the base tq table is used as a look up table by the ecm for the TQ limited injection quantity table, this is a limiter overall and on the shifts, it is responsible for the defuel effect on shifts.
4) All of the above is worthless information unless you map out all the add-on tables based on ect, iat, fuel temp, baro, etc and once you do that all those calculations have limiter tables based on MAF and other factors built into the ecm.
So the time it takes to map it all out is time consuming, and without the effort to do so it makes it hard to figure out what and why things do what they do.