All my returns run together, except if I was to run a regulator off of a higher pressure lift pump in which I do not do because there is a simpler way, and I've done it this way for over 7 years and 5+years with dual fuelers. Not saying 2 returns isn't necessary, just my experiences. It's probably more ideal to have 2. Also, I have been using the stock pick up and stock line to feed and compound both pumps over this time frame too. It is probably more ideal with an extra sump however. I kept it simple, but no simpler.
I will say this about flow and pressure though. Out of all the pumps I've tested over the years, one thing stands clear. If you have 2 different pumps delivering equal GPH of fuel, but one does it at free flow or low psi and the other does it at 45 or more psi, guess which one is superior. You have to balance this with pump life and at what pressure the pump delivers said GPH.