Does any one know what the little button on the back of my dsp5 is for on my lbz?
M mhauser New member Jan 6, 2015 15 0 0 Feb 5, 2015 #1 Does any one know what the little button on the back of my dsp5 is for on my lbz?
pornstar dancin pornstar dancin Oct 23, 2012 251 0 16 almond ny Feb 6, 2015 #2 I believe it is to test the wiring of the switch. There is a led light that will light up if wiring is correct
I believe it is to test the wiring of the switch. There is a led light that will light up if wiring is correct
battlegraduate09 Gearhead Mar 18, 2010 610 0 16 Feb 6, 2015 #3 if you have power and ground the led light will light up when pushed.