How exactly did you do the led? I wanted to change my leds in dp gauges to blue.
Well, if you have gauges that take a standard automotive bulb its easy. Theres some plug in LED bulbs out there. The nice blue ones i have in my overhead map lights are blue ones from Autometer! I used to have them in some Autometer CF's i sold. There kinda pricy though. is a good place for plug-n-play bulbs or individual parts. I would have ordered from them had i known of them at the time
My gauges now, as said, theres no lighting with them, so i did my own. I took my gauges apart (there pretty simple) and determined the optimum placment for the LED. I drilled a hole that the LED would fit snuggly in. I then scuffed the inside of the gauge cup and sprayed it with a hi-reflective coating. I used a "chrome spraypaint" called Spaz Stix. Its a hobbyist paint for R/C cars and such, got mine from Hobbytown USA. Its the best sprayable chrome like finish ive seen. Then placed the LED through it, a dab of epoxy on the back and reassembled it
These piticular LEDs came from radio shack, witch i had to wire in a resistor in one of the LED's legs, dosnt matter which one and wireed that to my 12V switched light source
Hope thats what your after
Lemme know if i missed anything :beer: