Do US a favor, Vote!


Smell My Finger...
Aug 14, 2006
The Electoral College is BS as you can win or lose the majority (popular) vote yet win or lose the election. It has happened numerous times.

Bottom line regardless you still need to vote in hopes your states electoral college votes goes to your candidate.


<----new hotness
Jan 17, 2010
I don't think the government makes any money off it. None, but it doesn't cost them anything ether, hence why the car companies and the people buying the cars and trucks are paying for it.

I thank you for your post, and hope you can understand my viewpoints as well.

You really believe that? The fuel prices would go down 40-50¢ a gallon if they didnt tax you'll say it pays for roads ya so do property taxs and every other tax all goes to the government they just dont know how to live within their means. I work out herr in the oil fields and believe me i think diesel at 4.00-4.50 a gallom is cheap after see how much money goes into getting from the ground to the pumps we use (i use to install dispensers to) so I've been in every aspect of oil. The government makes the most on oil end of story the oil companies make good money but they get. .05-.06¢ of every gallon vs 40-50¢.

On topic im voting for Romney i have voted every time i have been able and if you dont vote shut the **** up as you have done nothing to help/hurt the us. If Obama gets in hes going to use the epa to end fracing here in the oil fields on PRIVATE ground this will kill north Dakota texas and parts of Kansas now in the oil boom and it'll kill whats left of the economy here in the states. I could go on and on but doing this off my phone is a pita lol

S Phinney

Active member
Aug 15, 2008
Quncy, Fl
You really believe that? The fuel prices would go down 40-50¢ a gallon if they didnt tax you'll say it pays for roads ya so do property taxs and every other tax all goes to the government they just dont know how to live within their means. I work out herr in the oil fields and believe me i think diesel at 4.00-4.50 a gallom is cheap after see how much money goes into getting from the ground to the pumps we use (i use to install dispensers to) so I've been in every aspect of oil. The government makes the most on oil end of story the oil companies make good money but they get. .05-.06¢ of every gallon vs 40-50¢.

On topic im voting for Romney i have voted every time i have been able and if you dont vote shut the **** up as you have done nothing to help/hurt the us. If Obama gets in hes going to use the epa to end fracing here in the oil fields on PRIVATE ground this will kill north Dakota texas and parts of Kansas now in the oil boom and it'll kill whats left of the economy here in the states. I could go on and on but doing this off my phone is a pita lol

I will thank you for helping to save America then one vote at a time. :thumbup:

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2


Gold Rush
Jan 13, 2012
The Electoral College is BS as you can win or lose the majority (popular) vote yet win or lose the election. It has happened numerous times.

Bottom line regardless you still need to vote in hopes your states electoral college votes goes to your candidate.

I agree! Electoral college is the most foolish system going right now. You would think votes would be split up based on percentage of votes.


More is better!!!!
Aug 9, 2012
Spoke Valley, WA.
Believe it or not, even though I am sick of seeing our government handle policies and our issues the way we do... I am even more sick of whats becoming the "common public"!!!
I am really starting to think that to have the right to vote you should have to take an economics course as well as a business/entreprenur class. Here's why I believe this....
Like someone stated in an earlier post, the people that that earn a paycheck will soon be outnumbered by those who do not. At that point, who is going to pay for these programs if there is no tax revenue??? This being said, a god amount of those people want something for nothing and want free healthcare and free this and free that. Those of you that want those things need to realize that its not free!!! The government is a business and a business needs to make more money than what it spends to survive. Too long now has the reason why people are becoming elected into office is because their whole campaign is that they will get the public these free things and also lower taxes. IT DOESNT WORK!!!!! Can you people not see that from our national debt!!! JESUS!!!!
Its to the point where every program out there has to rob Peter to pay Paul and the other way around. If America truely wants these things then fine, that ok.... But America has to start understanding that it has to be paid for somehow and that America will be the one paying for it.
For instance, this Obama Care.... Obama actually has this set-up right believe it or not... What a lot of people arent aware of in this plan is that there is going to be a board that determines if you even get coverage for your condition or if you have to pay out of pocket just as you did before. They are in charge of deciding if the paying out on your condition is "Cost Effective" to the plan. If the Obama Care simply just paid on everything it would be out of funds in the first couple of months of funding.
Let me be clear though... (No pun intended), I do not want Obama Care as I want to pay for my own insurance and I certainly do not want to have to pay for someone else that doesnt want to work. I do not believe you are ENTITLED to health insurance. I believe you are entitled to healthcare.
I could rant for days on whats wrong with our country as I am sure we all can....
Like MCRAT has asked.... Please vote! Make your voice heard!


Drunk with a Jeep problem
Aug 16, 2012
You really believe that? The fuel prices would go down 40-50¢ a gallon if they didnt tax you'll say it pays for roads ya so do property taxs and every other tax all goes to the government they just dont know how to live within their means. I work out herr in the oil fields and believe me i think diesel at 4.00-4.50 a gallom is cheap after see how much money goes into getting from the ground to the pumps we use (i use to install dispensers to) so I've been in every aspect of oil. The government makes the most on oil end of story the oil companies make good money but they get. .05-.06¢ of every gallon vs 40-50¢.

Not to derail the thread, but from what I have been seeing across the nation, Americans are using LESS oil, but we are pumping similar amounts... If that is the case, then the government is taxing more than 40-50. And no, I don't think it is going to roads and such, the gov is blowing it just like every other dime they get. They are a bunch of teenagers with a pay check and no responsibilities.

But I digress. Romney all the way.


Diesel Hotrodder
Aug 2, 2006
Norco CA
This thread was just intended to be a "Please Vote for Who You Want" request. It will stay open as long as there are no insults. Thanks for not starting WWIII! :thumb: Let's keep it that way.

The reason we restrict political/religious threads is because most of them become just hatemail. If that were not the case, they would fine.


Peanut butter and ladies!
Feb 2, 2009
I say this to everyone, you need to watch Obama 2016! Please, please, please spend a couple bucks at the red box and rent it or go watch it in the theatre if it's still there but get your hands on it.


Smell My Finger...
Aug 14, 2006
I say this to everyone, you need to watch Obama 2016! Please, please, please spend a couple bucks at the red box and rent it or go watch it in the theatre if it's still there but get your hands on it.

Watched it last night! Quite the eye opener! I recall much of it during 08 but everyone needs a refresher in his ideas thoughts and well his Ideology really!


Livin' the Dream
Aug 23, 2011
Omaha Nebraska
Before I begin, everyone should vote for what they feel is right but alternative energies are the engeries of the future and we need to invest in them now.

I personally dont believe the U.S. could ever become energy independent without the use of alternative energies. We frankly just use way too much energy. Even if we could I think it would be a poor choice to persue that. By the very definition of fossil fuels, we will run out, the world will run out. Why should we be the first to deplete our natural resources? Why not use everyone else's first? Proven coal reserves in the U.S. are only economical for another 100 years. At which point what will we move on to? If we dont persue developing technology for alternative energies our standard of living as we know it will come to a grinding halt.

Global warming is another issue but its a pretty deep rabbit hole, if we need to sequester carbon dioxide lets do it. I have spent a lot of time studying this and if you believe in science you should believe in global warming. It seems to me that this issue is better to error on the side of caution. If it happens to be true and we develop clean energy thats excellent, if not then we still have clean energy huh?

Oh and one more personel note, I work for a coal company.


<--- Slow
Mar 3, 2009
Carlisle, Ky
Before I begin, everyone should vote for what they feel is right but alternative energies are the engeries of the future and we need to invest in them now.

I personally dont believe the U.S. could ever become energy independent without the use of alternative energies. We frankly just use way too much energy. Even if we could I think it would be a poor choice to persue that. By the very definition of fossil fuels, we will run out, the world will run out. Why should we be the first to deplete our natural resources? Why not use everyone else's first? Proven coal reserves in the U.S. are only economical for another 100 years. At which point what will we move on to? If we dont persue developing technology for alternative energies our standard of living as we know it will come to a grinding halt.

Global warming is another issue but its a pretty deep rabbit hole, if we need to sequester carbon dioxide lets do it. I have spent a lot of time studying this and if you believe in science you should believe in global warming. It seems to me that this issue is better to error on the side of caution. If it happens to be true and we develop clean energy thats excellent, if not then we still have clean energy huh?

I think the current administration already tried the energy of the future and lost his butt on it. Actually it was our butt since it was our money!

And as far as global warming I have done some research as well and I believe it was/is a way to get certain people rich.
One more thing..... If it is false like I believe, how many billions of dollars have been wasted by companies trying to comply with a crooked agenda
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This won't last long...
Jan 14, 2011




This won't last long...
Jan 14, 2011
For those who have posted saying "I had huge medical bills and without obama care...yada yada yada...". I had $160,000 of medical bills in 2007. (no insurance at the time.) I worked hard, sold my house, and sacrificed. I paid off my medical bills without the goverment's help, and I am better for it. Just my $.02. BTW, ROMNEY!!!!


New member
Aug 14, 2011
stoughton, wisconsin
Thats the way it should be. I sure dont expect anyone to pay for my 2 duaghters ever. I work for everything i have, and earned it all. If everyone did this the whole world would be better off.