Never was entertained with demo derbys but they are very popular around here. The enduro racing sounds a bit better but never seen that before. I guess its a mix of racing roundy-round and bumper cars mixed togther???
Just never understood the appeal of smashing up and totally destroying cars. Prolly would be fun to smack the heck outta someone though. :angel: Does your body take a beating pretty bad?
All of the cars I have raced and run demos in are in decent shape. We used to have a lady that worked for us that needed a car for her son. She saw that black regal and asked if I would sell it to her and I wouldn't haha. She was a b*tch anyways.Last year they did a school bus demo as an intermission between the large and small combine demos.
My neighbor collects and restores old tractors, he wont help us find any combines because he knows what they're for. We just had his in the shop this winter doing some work on it and its older than both of the ones we had in the shop getting ready for the demo haha.
See, that's why I struggle with it. LOL. I just can't come to terms with destroying a good or even decent vehicle. My conscience won't let me feel good about it. I feel like karma would bitch slap me & I'd end up hoofing it on a bicycle if I participated. LOL