Damn DOT


Active member
May 9, 2011
Terre Haute, IN
So the o lady drove my truck to work yesterday. On her way home some idiot in front of her was texting and started to veer into oncoming traffic. Well they have been chip sealing the road and one of the dump truck in the oncoming swerved to miss the "texter" and flew a few rocks on my window! It put a chip hole or whatever in one spot. Wasn't that bad I figured try that safelite auto glass place. Well I pull into work last night, roll my window up and another crack split across the corner from where another rock had hit and chiped the glass. Agggggggghhh I was pissed :banghead:


Turbo Todd
Jun 1, 2010
That sucks man.. how did your paint fair?
Stuff like this pisses me off too... because in the end, your paying for someone else's mistake.


Smell My Finger...
Aug 14, 2006
That sucks man.. how did your paint fair?
Stuff like this pisses me off too... because in the end, your paying for someone else's mistake.

Sometimes but not always. I recall they were doing some crack sealing years ago you know they put this gooey sticky nasty liquid asphalt product in the cracks then try and cover it up (sort of) with what ever they sweeped off the roads from the previous winter. Sand,twigs,small rocks what-ever.

Well what happened was my wife was driving home on the interstate where they were doing this and it started to pour and I mean POUR. Well it washed away the asphalt mixture and the sand debris covering and all of that shit was stuck to our car like molasses, it was STICKY!

So I called the DOT pissed and moaned and they footed the bill for the clean up! :thumb:


Active member
May 9, 2011
Terre Haute, IN
I haven't looked at my paint yet I haven't had any time to look any closer and it's been raining. I was going to call dot but a buddy told me he didn't think it would do any good. I might call them still. Another guy I know had a window company here put one in his z71 for 165 window and all. They come to your house and do it for the same price if you want. Wish she did get that plate number