Custom sub box?


Active member
Dec 6, 2008
Central, Texas
That's a good question. All I know is it has flames on the back. Since it's been raining(and not having to work alot) I think I'll take it back to the shop who put it in and have them adjust it.


Way Better Than Facebook
Jun 29, 2009
So here is what I found out about the Audiobahn subs.

- Sealed Box specs: 0.5 ~ 1.25 (cubic feet)
- RMS Power - 450 watts

- Sealed Box specs: 0.5 ~ 2.0 (cubic feet)
- RMS Power - 400 watts

General rule of thumb is you want the output RMS of your amp to fall in the middle or upper part of the speaker RMS range. Since you are using a 500 watt amp (you think), you are at the top of the range so I don't think your issue is from your amp as much as it could be the box volume. If the box volume is too small (generally because of the lack of space), this could cause the speaker not to play as loud as if it were in a larger box. Measure the length, width, and height of your box. Multiply the measurements and divide the answer by 1728 (L x W x H / 1728). This is roughly how much box volume you have (there are other things you have to consider to get the exact box volume but this will get you in the ball park). If the box volume is on the small end (0.5 cubic feet), then you could consider looking at a larger box (again depending on space). I also notice you have a regular cab truck. You may also have the same problem I do where the sub is right up against the back of the seat. This will also affect the sound of the sub. If building a larger box for the sub you have won't work, you might want to consider one of the latest thin mount subs. Sorry for being long winded, but I think it's important to know what you are up against. Then if you still aren't happy with the adjustment from the shop that installed the system, you'll know what to do next. Let me know if there is anything I can help you with. Good luck! :thumb:


Active member
Dec 6, 2008
Central, Texas
I'm gonna bet I don't have a big enough box. It looks like a typical single speaker box. Not long not tall, has a little room around the sub. Thanks man for the info.

Edit: did the math. And it came out to .75
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