He runs a CP3.3 in the stock location and, yes, that is a cp3.4 in the dual cp3 location.
ok next question.
how does a CP3.3 comare to the stock LBZ pump?
He runs a CP3.3 in the stock location and, yes, that is a cp3.4 in the dual cp3 location.
CP3.3 is the stock pump...
CP3.4 is still a 3 plunger pump as well just longer stroke IIRC which develops more pressure. FWIW the CP3.4 uses the same regulator as the CP3S3/R110 that our trucks have.
CP3.3 is the stock pump...
CP3.4 is still a 3 plunger pump as well just longer stroke IIRC which develops more pressure. FWIW the CP3.4 uses the same regulator as the CP3S3/R110 that our trucks have.
ok next question.
how does a lb7 comare to the stock LBZ pump?
that new twin front drive unit kieth showed us from curtis is for CP3.4 's
Isn't a CP3.4 like a reg CP3 but with one more chamber/piston? 4 instead of 3?
The single belt driven cp3.4 might be a good idea if it equals or betters twin reg cp3's
I think i remember the GBE truck runs a CP3.4 and in stock location?:cool2:
CP3, the 3 means 3 plungers. CP stands for something in german I think. the ".3" or ".4" are just the different variations?
you would bennifit slightly from useing a LBZ pump over your lb7
umm big differrence as in i have a hard time holding 20,000psi @ 2700uS with my stock LB7 3100uS i drop to 16-17,000psi
were as a LBZ or modded cp3 can hold 3100uS at 26,0000-27,000psi
IMO that is a bigg difference
thanks for the info V and brayden... looks like the answer is a modded cp3 or LBZ pump
I'm working on a mod now, that would cost 2 cents and your stock LB7 runs like a LBZ pump or better in the higher rpm's. I have to prove that for my self first, and see whether it's working.
good to know I thought it was 4 plunger and that was what the .4 stood for
thanks for the info
Your Cp3 on the lb7 could of been weak? Im not going to say that this is the MOST powerfull mod in the world:rofl:
why not a modded lbz pump? thats what im running in the vally
more details please
Adam one thing to keep in mind is the way the plug is on the lb7 vs llly/lbz
one has 90* and other is straight
Agreed. I was told by ### that it was 4 piston, and I've been spreading it.
Sorry to anyone I told that to.
That was fast
Really it would cost you nothing to $50 and have a really nice modification to your pump, like I said, I have to proove myself first, before I talk loud :rofl: