Mike any advancements in widgets to allow faster converter lockup??
Im 100% convinced there is some table in the TCM that says "dont allow converter lockup until converter slip RPM (difference between input speed and turbine speed) is below X rpm", because with my blown 1057 thats all loosey goosey it takes the TCM forever to make up its mind and lock the converter.
My power is basically useless until ~50mph.
I know I know I need to have the converter refreshed but I dont have the $ to spend on it or the time to pull it out right now...
Im 100% convinced there is some table in the TCM that says "dont allow converter lockup until converter slip RPM (difference between input speed and turbine speed) is below X rpm", because with my blown 1057 thats all loosey goosey it takes the TCM forever to make up its mind and lock the converter.
My power is basically useless until ~50mph.
I know I know I need to have the converter refreshed but I dont have the $ to spend on it or the time to pull it out right now...