Click sound from inside of frame rail driver side around rear door


New member
Aug 21, 2012
southern Indiana
Everything has been good until now. Last night I locked it up and went to bed. This morning I come out to go to work and my keyless entry will not work and I hear a click click click click and so on, about a second interval between clicks, coming from under the rear passenger floor board inside the frame rail. I'm not for sure what that is that is clicking but I unplugged a wore going into it and it quit the clicking. My key always status in the ignition and its locked in it. Only came with one when I bought it and been saying for the last year to get another key made. Don't know if it is dead battery's or what. Any input is much appreciated.


New member
Aug 21, 2012
southern Indiana
from what I described to my brother in law he said it was the abs module. I unplugged the wire going into it and it stopped. It was early and I had to get to work so I left it like that. My wife went out later and plugged it back in and said it wasn't making a sound. I hope I just left the key on over night from when I rolled the windows up and locked it for the night.


New member
Aug 21, 2012
southern Indiana
I knew for some reason when my phone went off about an email, I knew it was you giving me crap lol. Any who I left the key on and drained the ol batteries. I feel like a total maroon!