civic a la smoked


dirty payback
Apr 15, 2008
escondido, ca
ok i was on the 78 where the 15 merges east. some stupid ricer was in my way... so i rolled on the throttle and just covered him in thick coal:D needless to say he was pissed and desided to follow me around, so i had to burn him again to loose him... I LOVE MY TRUCK:D


put on da damn helmet day
Apr 29, 2008
civic drivers are just suckers for punishment. i used to live in san diego, and civics were my main source of entertainment..... there's plenty of them runnin around down there... :D

05' Ditry Duramax

New member
May 3, 2008
Port Orchard Washington
I'm waiting for someone to smoke me out in my comuter car. I hope that day never comes though. I don't drive it like those idiots do. I understand that it is NOT a factory race car, I wish they would get that too.


Active member
Jul 3, 2008
When i go around town the only people i see that piss me off and that make me want to putsome smoke in their face are the honda people. Everyone else drives the way they are supposed to. They always get right up on my bumper and try to speed past.


Heavy Equiment mechanic
Feb 19, 2008
I love driving my brothers pontiac g6 GTP i drive just like the honda guys in that thing and smoke all the diesels when they do wanna race. Gotta love that super charger:D


No Lemming Here
Aug 15, 2007
San Diego
ok i was on the 78 where the 15 merges east. some stupid ricer was in my way... so i rolled on the throttle and just covered him in thick coal:D needless to say he was pissed and desided to follow me around, so i had to burn him again to loose him... I LOVE MY TRUCK:D

78 and the 15.... I live a mile from that merge... SOB's wanna pass you on the inside so they can get to the autopark and trade the Honda in...:rofl: Would it happen to have been a yellow 2002 +/- lowered, air kit, shiny rimmed civic? I have beat that guy down several times... it's not even close from a stop, rolling at 75 or any other speed. Frankly it's a waste of fuel but slapping is sometimes required.:D

I REALLY enjoy when they merge from 15 south onto 78 west... they book around that corner at 75+ and think they can snake you at the bottom... always on the exhaust side... dumb bastards. I tend to force them off at Nordahl exit and not let 'em merge. Lord fergive me...


dirty payback
Apr 15, 2008
escondido, ca
awesome!! glad to hear someone local is helping control the retard racers:D the best is when they just get barely behind you right in the stream of smoke and have to slam on the brake cuz they cant see. its the ultimate humiliation for them:rofl:


Feb 17, 2007
San Angelo, TX
78 and the 15.... I live a mile from that merge... SOB's wanna pass you on the inside so they can get to the autopark and trade the Honda in...:rofl: Would it happen to have been a yellow 2002 +/- lowered, air kit, shiny rimmed civic? I have beat that guy down several times... it's not even close from a stop, rolling at 75 or any other speed. Frankly it's a waste of fuel but slapping is sometimes required.:D

I REALLY enjoy when they merge from 15 south onto 78 west... they book around that corner at 75+ and think they can snake you at the bottom... always on the exhaust side... dumb bastards. I tend to force them off at Nordahl exit and not let 'em merge. Lord fergive me...

A little road rage control class for ya James :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


New member
May 8, 2008
Southern California
78 and the 15.... I live a mile from that merge... SOB's wanna pass you on the inside so they can get to the autopark and trade the Honda in...:rofl: Would it happen to have been a yellow 2002 +/- lowered, air kit, shiny rimmed civic? I have beat that guy down several times... it's not even close from a stop, rolling at 75 or any other speed. Frankly it's a waste of fuel but slapping is sometimes required.:D

I REALLY enjoy when they merge from 15 south onto 78 west... they book around that corner at 75+ and think they can snake you at the bottom... always on the exhaust side... dumb bastards. I tend to force them off at Nordahl exit and not let 'em merge. Lord fergive me...

I do the same thing, I live just off of Twin oaks valley road. I hate the way they drive. it's especially funny when I beat them down with my camper on the back.:rofl:


New member
Jul 23, 2008
Vancouver Island
I had this douchebag in a Rustang trying to play with me a couple of weeks back. Weaving in and out of traffic trying to be number I left about three car lengths on the right hand lane, just dangled the carrot and of course he bit. take off like he owns the road...well he got owned all right. Made it as far as the next car and then I sat beside that one for a half mile, then I let him pass...again. I had his ass tanned until I came to tht dreaded corner with bad rear shocks. Just couldn't hold at speed safely so I had to let him go.