I don't reply to many posts because I really am not educated enough about my Dmax to look intelligent.
I do have to weigh in on this though......
I have had two tumors removed from my head, I have a permanent hole behind my left ear. Like I needed another hole in my head!!:roflmao:
I couldn't tolerate the pain meds they put me on, getting sick to my stomach every few hours from the meds and vomiting.
I couldn't eat and the pain really never went away, although it was diminished.
I do not drink and have NEVER had any other kind of illegal drugs in my system.
To this day (13 years), I must smoke a little every day to be able to live with my pain........and I mean it is a terrible neurological pain. The weed almost instantly makes the pain go away, not just managable........gone.
At one point during this process I actually considered killing myself because of the DAILY unbearable pain.
Having said this, I must say in NO WAY am I defending the cracked out junkie operating the equipment that killed those unsuspecting folks. I am just sharing that there are folks that really need it.
Now a question for y'all that are adamently against weed........
Given a choice, would you rather work with a man that burned a joint last night or a man that drank a twelve pack of Bud Light?
I am educated and know MANY recreational users that do not drink or do any other drugs and function very well in everyday life. I guarantee you would NEVER pick any of them as a weed smoker.
The last thing is something I haven't heard one word about.........
Why the hell would the thrift store next to the collapsed building be open for business with the demolition going on? It seems to me that was an epic fail on the part of the thrift store.
OK have said my piece, time to install my injectors on my 3 year build!