Help: can someone help me out? Diesel Place???


Old Skooler
Aug 12, 2006
Texas Y'all
Hey Chris, you arent helping my cause at all! :rofl:

To the rest of the members of DP that share a name here. I see most of you post good tech on DP and I dont have any problems with anyone over there. Please dont hate on the site when here as it makes no sense. I would never talk crap about Pat or Kat (I like them both!) or their site, no matter what the situation.

This site doesnt have the problems, or the leaders on a powertrip like the dp does. Hell most of the mods havent even been members for 2 years, yet they act like the built the place and ran it from the start. The thing is, i remember how it was back when it was and awesome site, but that was before most of the leaderships time, they wouldnt know.


Soot for Brains
Apr 14, 2010



Father of the Van
Dec 4, 2008
That's just messed up. You got a 2 day ban for that and I'm still in pergatory after 3 months. Hahahaha :)

I could post another thread seeing if they want to come out and play


Smell My Finger...
Aug 14, 2006
well I got banned again for arguing with that dickcheese kyle. Blueburby or whatever the hell his name is told me AND kyle to grow up and "act like men" (even though hes younger than me) kyle stays and I get banned? I dont understand kyle. Hes a "section leader" whatever the hell that means and he still stoops down to my level and argues with me....about that stupid MANual transmission kool-aid he drinks by the gallon, of all things.

Then Im the one who gets banned? WTF. If he cant be a mature staff member than they need to tell him to piss off and join the regular member group. With the exception of a few, the moderators over there are like policemen on a power trip. Either they were picked on as a kid or dont have any friends, they finally get in a position of some "power" (I use that term lightly, you're an unpaid moderator on an internet forum, thats like 1000 steps below a mall security guard) and they think they are really great...

I wouldnt care except I had a guy that I was PM'ing back and forth about a transmission build on DP and now I cant answer his PM's.

Well Lil buddy if you'd stop peddling your vendor services under ground while they're reading your PM's you wouldn't get banned so easy. :D

Looking at the list of staff each and everyone of them are all Johnny come lately's. With the exception of gasuout

None of them know crap especially how to be a proper leader. I seldom read there and never contribute as all the members there know more than I know anyway. :baby:

Just move on people that need information will find it elsewhere. This is the only forum where I will contribute if I can and that's a big "IF" :D

Why bother fighting the fight there it's a lost cause.


Smell My Finger...
Aug 14, 2006
This site doesnt have the problems, or the leaders on a powertrip like the dp does. Hell most of the mods havent even been members for 2 years, yet they act like the built the place and ran it from the start. The thing is, i remember how it was back when it was and awesome site, but that was before most of the leaderships time, they wouldnt know.

Um exactly and they have SO many confused. I like it when I see members give them all kinds of authority "respect" . They feel all proud while boosting their power trip ego. Stupid as stupid does. :eek:

Oh well they will survive based on past individuals that built that site.


Apr 29, 2008
Seems that no matter what you post over there anymore you are wrong. Some guy with 12 posts who signed up this morning and just bought his truck knows more than most. Oh well.
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<--- slippery roads
Aug 28, 2006
probably not the best place to be hanging out anyways, my buddy sent me this today


its an autoforums thing. cummins forum, duramax forum, etc.... all give the same "security threat" warnings.

Anti-virus software is a joke anyways, IMO. If you're not an idiot when you use a computer/internet you dont even need anti-virus software. I have not run any anti-virus software in the past 5+ years and (knock on wood) Ive never had a problem.


Mmm tits
Apr 30, 2008
Been saying it for a long time now. Douche bag site started by a douche bag, run by douche bags for douche bags.
There is no need to go over there when you can get the same info over here without putting up with the bullshit and backstabbing.:thumb:


Apr 20, 2007
Salem WI

its an autoforums thing. cummins forum, duramax forum, etc.... all give the same "security threat" warnings.

Anti-virus software is a joke anyways, IMO. If you're not an idiot when you use a computer/internet you dont even need anti-virus software. I have not run any anti-virus software in the past 5+ years and (knock on wood) Ive never had a problem.

Well we can't all be perfect christians like you j/k really if you dont fall the the "click here for exclusive (insert your favorite female celebrity) top secret sex tape" poip-ups I think you can get away without it as well.


New member
Nov 23, 2008
Ahh this is BULLSHIT. You get a vacation for publicly calling a retard a dipshit (out of ALL the shit you say over there) and I get banned permanently for privately calling out TwistedLogic as the scammer he has proven to be. Damnit Ben they must really like you but I know differently :spit:

And BTW it is all Randy Fat Sack's doings. Hes ruined that place.

Anyways do any of you know how to make a smoke switch? :happy2:

I just found out about his shady ways, I bought a set of rims & tires from him in Dec, & I have had the shipper (UPS) calling me looking for payment & this tool is sending me invoices with his name crossed out & my name & address with a arrow to say pay. And when i get it all sorted out with the shipper & the $hit is back on him I sent PM's to him saying nice try & that he is a douchbag for trying this crap, He complained to the MODS & of course bluebury or whatever the clown goes by tells me i am getting the suspention (which that is fine with me) anyways he says he is gonna call me to get things straitened out,,,Well i am sure glad i wasn't sitting by the phone!