Lotta nasty shit happens in limos.....
James' limo can take you where no other limo has gone before:roflmao:
Lotta nasty shit happens in limos.....
James is getting it from every direction.
It was serious till you said that Everett... :roflmao:
So now anthony wants to put a hundo on this run. gunna be interesting race .
Shall we set some guide lines?
First to the end wins (not fastest time)
No show means you forfit and owe the other 100 bucks
run what you brung
sound good?
Sounds good, sportsman or protree?
We will race in az in march right?
dont matter. probably sportsman cause ive never an a protree (dunno how that one works ). AZ in march is good for me!
Anthony wont show, he lives too close to Paint, and Paint never shows to anything:spit:
I win by default, who's paying me?
Yall can race IF speedworld stays open... if they close, I still win by default.
Your not invited :roflmao: