Make sure your insurance company knows that you had a mechanical failure before you hit the coyote
I wouldn't even tell them at all
Holy Crap.. they broke just from hard braking.. Ill have to look into those sleeves.
shocks, tires and leveling keys are going in this week ill have them install the sleeves if i do not have them..
$200 for a set of sleeves??? Ship over here sells them for $50 locally. That's nuts man! And I'm in Canada too..
Not even telling my insurance company. Hit a moose a couple weeks ago. Super lucky though as it only bent the front fender in and broke the mirror on the passenger side. Ended up hitting the ditch from that so they are doing a wheel alignment anyway.
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You probably cracked at least one of those tie rods and didnt even notice. Going into the ditch the second time broke them.
Glad you are ok. Trucks can be fixed. Sounds like you need to invest in one of those ranchhand front bumpers, though.