FWIW, a "boost valve" will not always ive you what you are looking for. When I was running a factory turbo, I could completely detach the boost reference line and still only make 18-20 PSIG, all while roaling coal like a freight train on steroids...there was no lack of fuel. I ended up modifying the factory actuator to make it adjustable and that did it...30 PSIG, with spikes to 35...and a month later I was buying a new (previously owned) turbo...LOL! Botom line is, the spring in the actuator on some of the LB7 turbos seems to be too weak to hold the exhaust pressure required to make the boost some are after. Get a banks Big Head or equivalent, or modify your stock actuator to be adjustable like the Banks is...only sure fire way to do it without wasting money.