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< Rocking the Big Single!
Aug 30, 2006
Saegertown, Pa
I removed all the neck down from my setup. I am 3" from the compressor outlet to the intake housings. I think it helped a great deal. Just getting rid of that PPE adpater and the GM silicone elbow it adapts to lowered my pre CAC temps a fair bit. I welded up an intake neck sweetdiesel style also. FWIW the GT4202 compressor out is a 3.5" V band. I think 3.5" would help If you can get it to fit. I dont think I could.


Got Honey?
I'm not sure, but I tried this with an intake I made up one time. I found it retained alot of heat from the motor. You would think aluminum tubing would do this too. But the intake was realy (very) hot to the touch. I didn't find this the case with the aluminum intake (wicking the heat away better maybe?). Maybe Killerbee can comment on this?

sorry Mike, not sure what your question is.

Black absorbs radiation, converting it to heat. Black aluminum would be the worst material IMO. White plastic, with its poor conduction properties would be the best. But the difference between temp control with 100 mph charge, might be insignificant.


Got Honey?
The question of pipe losses is relatively basic. Model airflow in a round conduit, and if the pressure drop is not acceptable, make it larger to slow down velocity. There quickly appears a practical limit to size, where diminishing returns is obvious.

IMO, one of the most practical ideas is to maximize compression efficiency. The cooler compressed charge is more dense, and slower....less frictional losses. Evap cooling can also help some.