Well I took it apart down to the turbo (no pictures at this time) and determined from inspecting the side to side play on the impeller shaft and the lack of contact on the housing that the turbo is OK, that is the good news. The bad news is now I have a truck tore down and still have yet to find the pressure "leak sound"
Guy at So Cal Diesel was very very helpful in assisting me in ruling out what the sound could be from, I am now going to attempt to find a "EGR Blocker" shim to see if that si the problem as most other parts have been ruled out.
Anyone here have a shim/blocker they can send me (I am willing to pay for it) so I can see if that is the problem?
Also I spoke with Pat (again very helpful) and since the EGR assy has soot on it that may in fact be the problem and if it is then the shim/blocker would not remedy the problem if the vale assy is leaking both ways?
I am looking for a used LB7 EGR assy (I know one of you have one laying around if you have not already thrown them away) and the EGR Blocker/Shim..
I am going to also post a wanted as as well.
Thanks to everyone for trying to help us out with our stock towing truck