the floor is gone mainly round the the door area... both sides and full rocker pannels back side of front ffenders... soem of this can be had new fro reasonable price..
alot of steel can be had new form LMC/goodmark
need to get something done before this winter.. main becuase its my winter vehicle...
i have a little 110v mig but think that will be to big..
while back ran into a guy restoreign adn old 60s benz.. he found some adhiesive that he glued the patch panels on with.. naturally he cleaned the areas and prepped then glued and rivited the stuff to gether..
think about doing the same...
need advice...
alot of steel can be had new form LMC/goodmark
need to get something done before this winter.. main becuase its my winter vehicle...
i have a little 110v mig but think that will be to big..
while back ran into a guy restoreign adn old 60s benz.. he found some adhiesive that he glued the patch panels on with.. naturally he cleaned the areas and prepped then glued and rivited the stuff to gether..
think about doing the same...
need advice...