Question: Best programmer


New member
Jun 9, 2010
Looking for some advice, I've got an 02 Chevy Silverado w/6.6L strapped to an Allison. The only mode that's on the truck is a K&N cold air intake. I'm looking for a programmer to help with fuel economy and power when I need it.:driving:


New member
WEll, the best is up to what you are looking for.

If you want the most bang for the buck, my uncle has a truck like yours, and he has the Edge Juice with Attitude. He lives in the area of Lewiston, ID. He loves the power and the fact it is switch on the fly, and also, he can get upwards of 25 to 28mpg on the level 3 setting on the flats out there on the highway. When he tows, he has ample power on the tow tune and it is very smooth power band.

I dont know much about an others, but for the money, it is hard to beat Edge.

Big Block 88

Multiple choice muscle
Nov 3, 2008
Kansas when I am home
WEll, the best is up to what you are looking for.

If you want the most bang for the buck, my uncle has a truck like yours, and he has the Edge Juice with Attitude. He lives in the area of Lewiston, ID. He loves the power and the fact it is switch on the fly, and also, he can get upwards of 25 to 28mpg on the level 3 setting on the flats out there on the highway. When he tows, he has ample power on the tow tune and it is very smooth power band.

I dont know much about an others, but for the money, it is hard to beat Edge.

I cant say I have ever seen a stock d-max with just a tuner box do anywhere near 28 mpg... Also Edge (atleast the older unikts we had) are not the best for the d-max as our edge with att liked to turn our truck off whike doin 70 mph on the highway.

In the d-max world it is PPE and EFI as far as I am concered... They are centered around the d-max crowd and can make HUGE power safely or a nice small tow tune. EFI LIVE with a dsp switch is the best thing money can buy switch on the fly tuneing from stock to dyno frying power.

If you use the search function on this site it will point you in the right direction


Sideways > Straight ;)
Aug 24, 2009
609 New Jersey
i strongly advice you DO NOT add en edge juice with attitude.

the guys uncle is mistaken NO TUNER will ever get you 25- 28 mpg unless your fred flintstoneing it. the most you'll ever realistically see is 22-23. but 20 is still good and better then average.

as for tuning, im a big fan of efilive it will provide you with the best possible tuning available. if you want something cheaper/simpler i would suggest a ppe standard


Dec 19, 2008
Floresville, Texas
I had a edge on my 03 when it worked it was nice. It wanted to defuel me on level five when everything was in the good range. The read out was kinda nice. Spend the money and get a PPE standard and install some gauges. You can get the stuff from alligator performance on this forum.


New member
Apr 12, 2009
"the mecca"
PPE's a programmer. I've been having great luck with the new Bullydog GT as well. If you're not looking for truck pull winning power and just want something simple with a monitor and switch on the fly ability, this is the one I'd pick. I'll admit, I use to be a huge Bullydog hater but this little package works well and adds enough power to limp a stock trans if flogged on.


Active member
Jun 13, 2007
Cape Cod,MA
I didn't even know that Bullydog was still in business, what ever they sell is just made by somebody else & they relabel it.


'Can do' kind of guy
Apr 8, 2007
efi live is going to give you the best bang for your buck...

There is a little bit of a learning curve to tune it yourself but you can purchase a custom made tune for your truck that will be designed to conform to what your truck is used for.


New member
Apr 12, 2009
"the mecca"
I didn't even know that Bullydog was still in business, what ever they sell is just made by somebody else & they relabel it.

Oh yeah they're still around. Their Crazy Larry tunes for the PMT and Triple Dog are still good runners and really strong Cummins tunes too. Relabeled or not, I don't run one personnely but I've had good experience's with their customer service when I've had issues with customers tuners and I know the tunes are BD's and not someone else's.
H&S is the same hardware relabeled and they make some of the best new tuners on the market.

05' Ditry Duramax

New member
May 3, 2008
Port Orchard Washington
EFI Live

It will take some time learning it but once you get it down, it's the best thing going. Buy a DSP5 switch and some gauges. The greatest part about EFI is that you can make the changes that YOU want. You don't get 3 tunes that you can never change. If you add something to the truck, you simply change the tune and off you go. It's not that simple but it's the last programer you'll buy.