The truck in question is a 2014 LML... I had tuned it in February of 2017 and it was running quite well. Customer installed a batmo wheel but prior to that had complained of power loss. After the wheel install the loss of power persisted. Yesterday I had attempted to communicate with the ECM but was given the $0101 No Data Received. I am not able to connect through for logging either. Another issue was when my V2 was connected the gauges on the instrument cluster were all f**ked up bouncing around, reading 0 on a few and the truck started but the first attempt yielded a partial turn over almost like the batteries were bad. Installed a fresh set of batteries and same issues. Once I disconnected my V2 everything went back to normal and power loss was still present. The shop the truck was at has a Snap-on scanner and it too received a "no data" message. Weird Shit any ideas? Oh and no codes