Beer of choice


Back with his honey :)
Jan 21, 2007
San Angelo
predominantly Bud Lite in the cans... I can also drink most of the other domestic light beers as well - Miller Lite, Coors Lite, etc.

I've not got a great abckground in beer testing but I do attempt to try new ones when I can. Usually just when I'm having diner out. If Im looking to get a buzz, it's BL all the way. Anyways, most the time, I just don't like many of the new ones I try. Tried a local Kentucky Ale the other night with supper and it was just too oaty or grainy tasting. Sadly enough, gave up half way through it. I was able to choke it down while it was still cold, once it started to warm it, it was a no go. Gag reflexes started kicking in. It's that way with any of them though, ain't no beer sipping for me... if it gets even remotely warm, it's time for a new one. I like ice crystals forming in it. Then it's cold enough. Not on ice though.

Some of the one's I have tried and liked other than domestic are Blue Moon, XX, Corona, then there was a Red Label something or other that was a dark heavy beer. It was delicious but I've forgotten what it's called at the moment. :confused:


Was it "Red Stripe" in a short squatty bottle


Big Girl!
Nov 20, 2006
Locust, NC
I do like Kalik which is the only Bahamian beer but in the states its called Carib....It is delicious but Kalik has a higher alcohol% which makes it better