Seen the exploding battery only once . Had a friend hold cable on broken terminal and tried to start car and boom . Learned real quick that batteries were bombs . Sounded like a half stick of dynamite going off . Friend got battery acid in is eyes . It was lucky he wasnt hurt . The damage was amazing . Wasnt much left of battery but the base . Huge crater deep into cells . Acid everywhere .
Kinda sucks what happend to yours Chad . All you can do is the baking soda all over everthing .
I caught the passenger side battery of my LB7 before it blew. Pulled into the driveway at home and smelled sulfur. Popped the hood and that sucker was swollen and spewing steam from every nook and cranny.
I didn't blow up a battery but I suggest that those that have the red cap for the positive terminal on their p/s battery keep it on.
I pulled out my engine oil dipstick to check it one time and arced it out, burnt through a couple of the wires on the dipstick and scared the crap outta myself.:baby: