Neither crossed the scale since it was a half ass redneck pull with no officials to inspect anything. We threw a dozen tractor weights in the back of the LLY. Neither hung weight on the front.
Fords suck, they are big, heavy, pieces of shit. :thumb:
i think that the fords have a lot of potential if taken care of properly. if you take the dpf and egr off from the get go then they dont give many problems other then cracking radiators and burnt transmissions on big tunes. i would never, ever buy a high mileage one. they are finiky bastards. if you let the oil go so much as a few hundred miles over due with the dpf still on them, fuel will seep past the rings when the injector is dumping fuel on the exhaust stroke to clean that stupid ass dpf resulting in fuel in the oil that wears out the tips of the rocker arms in no time. also the 6.4's are not like the 6 leakers when it comes to the egr coolers. if one leaks on a 6.0 and it hydrolocks, you just drain the coolant out and go on about your business. not on the 6.4's, they bend number 2 and number 8 rods when they hydrolock for some reason. and not to mention that i get so tired of hearing all the ford guys saying, " yeah, these things make huge power with minimal cost." my ass! to do an egr delete properly your looking at north of 2 grand for the system that uses a wastegate, and if you just block them off, they make too mnuch boost on bigger tunes and will eventually lift the heads resulting in a bigger repair bill. sorry for the long post, im just bored.
there is a trader amongst us, but i wont mention names...semporfieordie...