I must have hit the nail on the head :roflmao:
This is my 5th converter and favorite so far. I would like to try one of you Goerends sometime though
Unless your setup it exactly right, you will hate the 1054 on the street. Suncoast has much better options for DD.
I actually love how my truck drives with my 5 star. I like a tight converter. It seems like it gets the power to the ground well. (For example, driving through a chisel plowed field doesn't take much rpm to move. Same with moving a heavy trailer.). I have no trouble spoiling my s366 with it.
BUT this is the only converter I've ever had. Which suncoast, Precision, or Gorend would be similar performance wise? 1057?
I'm not trying to hijack this from the op but I'm curious and if he likes the way his truck drives it may give him more options.