Anyone use the new monster diesel additive?

496 BB

Head Thread De-Railer
Feb 20, 2009
At your girlfriends house
Nick you kill me man! Give me your email I got all kinds of shit on that fat bastard! :rofl:

Wonder if people experiencing mileage gains now are taking into consideration summer fuel is probably to blame. Maybe Im wrong.

So Chris are you still going to goto bat for that scammer? See where I was coming from last time when I got banned? Im not lying about that kid....he is a royal POS as is Randy and Stewy.
Jun 22, 2008
Lol!! :rofl:. Randythefluffer :spit:.

And cause it wont be up for long. My distain for that man runs deep. Any that corrupt needs to be called out and beaten.



New member
I was the first to get banned on the DP for calling DJ out on his marketing of MD. I got banned 3 times and the last was forever. WTF?
Anyway, I am not going to go on and on about the stuff. I dont really care anyway, I just could not believe the claims made by DJ and not being put into check by the mods. It says in the rules of the DP, Which I can no longer see, that any claims made that are not legitimate will be deleted, or something to that effect. Well, that should be modified that if it does not agree with DJs claims, it will be deleted. I got a friend that got all the screen shots of my deleted posts. maybe I can get him to join here and post them, along with Mike Ls, they are classic.

nice site, I hope I do not get deleted for being a troll, like I was on the TDI forums.

Now back the regular scheduled programming.


New member
Apr 8, 2010
Now a guy just posted that if you add monster diesel and get 50 hp you are safer than adding a 50hp programmer because people are breaking cranks with 50hp tunes.

Now its getting good.
I'm not exactly sure if this is about my post on DP, but what I was getting at is if it did give 50 HP boost, site users were complaining that they were breaking cranks with 50 HP tunes. Not that it was safer.
I think Stew ( Administrator ) at DP needs to step in and stop randy from backing this clown. Mods over there are backing him also. This is wrong IMHO.
Yea, doubt that will happen. He banned me once for my comments.
He stepped in alright and someone went on a powertrip deleting posts like a madman :rolleyes:.
Yea, twisted has thepower to delete posts, there have beeen over 30 deleted. I actually have several screen shots of them.
Randy thinks he owns that place and he darn sure don't :mad:. He's been pushing Monster since early on. I called him out a few times on other stuff and look where it got me,removed from staff :mad:. A few of those guys on staff there like Tony,Josh,and Pete are really good guys and my friends. Some of the others are unfair and quite partial to certain people.
I called Randy out and basically was threatened by him. It has calmed my posts a bit, but that is only because I don't want to be banned forever.


Well-known member
Jun 23, 2009
TX of course
I just got some crap in the mail form them. How did they get my address from DP or something? I have never posted it for sure and don't put my address in for things diesel related, so WTF? I'm a little pissed off about.


Monty Python Rules.
Feb 12, 2009
San Jose, CA
Dozerboy you should tell Twisted logic about that, that is not cool at all. I straight up told that guy no way I would give him my address.

496 BB

Head Thread De-Railer
Feb 20, 2009
At your girlfriends house
Well I know Randy and DJ are computer savvy and can track emails to addresses. Im sure it was DJ though. Hes shady like that. That ass clown tried to say I was calling him and leaving threatening voicemails awhile back. Please. I got nothing to say to him. Id rather see him in person anyways.

Eggsack.....lmao you got banned! I saw that coming and welcome to the club. Give it a week and in meantime disconnect and reconnect your router a few times and then re register on there under new email address. Those idiots are too busy punishing everyone to notice new members.

And to everyone else..... We really should start some kind of group to shut that place down. Sounds a little childish I know but in reality I cant stand how they mislead and take alot of peoples money for their own personal gains. Newer vendors there arent like the old timers where pride and business ethics come into play...they just take and take offering nothing in return but lies and deceit. Then to top it all off you got an Admin who thinks he is Allah and does whatever he can to push his massive weight around (literally) just because he hates his own reality and escapes it all while there making up for it playing boss. Who also is being hypocritical by promoting not only his OWN business but other vendors' business's too. Mind you the vendor he promotes is the vendor that lied and got me banned because i called him out BEFORE he was a vendor. And on top of all of that you have a site techie (Stewie) who acts as an admin and bans all the contributors and leaves the idiots. Talk about being intimidated. He doesnt even own a truck! And they are surrounded by Czars.

Great thing about here is I can still express my 1st amendment unlike at ObamaPlace. Try that there and see where it gets you :baby:


New member
I am never going to go back to the DP. F&*K them!

I am putting together a nice little letter that includes some screen shots of some posts that were deleted, and some of the PMs I saved and mail them to all the big sponsors they have, such as the programmer companies and others I know have paid good money and free product to those Arseholes so they can see that the DP staff DOES NOT treat all vendors/sponsors favorablyand or equally. Then when they are no longer sponsors anymore, then StewBABY, can suck on a hard one somewhere else. Anyone else wanting to contribute to that letter, just PM me.

No need to to harass people on the site, someone needs to make all the search engine keywords to this site hijack searches for the DP over to here.

Good luck Stewie, Lets see how fast your pathetic site dwindles after those letters are mailed.
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496 BB

Head Thread De-Railer
Feb 20, 2009
At your girlfriends house
Lol I got a 28 page document of all of my experiences and alot of dirt from being a mod over there.

Anyways your not going to change a vendors mind. If they are making a profit off that site they will continue to do so regardless of how someone else is getting treated. Sucks but thats the truth.


New member
Apr 8, 2010
They are good at deleting posts over there, thats for sure. Funny how they never answer the real questions. I would like to see the vendors vacate myself, but it might be hard to get them to leave.

I have a few screen shots of the deleted posts myself and a few of the PM's too.

I don't think we would get very far geting people to leave. I have noticed that there are a few new people on there that think Twisted walks on water, make you wonder about the bogus account pratices.:confused: