Anyone know of a Dillion Stormont??


New member
Apr 26, 2008
Under The Hood
Picture looks like Piston slapping crank. Bent rods?

I agree as to the decay of society. I was taught growing up to hold the door open for others going into a public place. I still do it to this day. Saddens me just how many people will walk past and not say thank you.

I also agree that we must do what we can. Others laziness and rudeness is no excuse to ourselves become so. We can only control ourselves and show our kids to respect other people (especially elderly), help the impaired, not litter, use manners etc. Not going to change the world here just choosing not to take the path of least resistance and rot away with the rest of the population.:thumb:

I agree, many lazy people out there that piss me off to no end. I let them all know too. My mom was always that way. Hold the door open and if they didn't say thank you she'd yell YOUR WELCOME to them. She also hated college kids, it was the same school she went to, but now they all take the "yeild to peds" as a right of way to cross the street whenever. So she'd just keep driving slowly like she was going to hit them, pissed a lot of them off but you'd be stuck at a green light until it turned red if you waited for all of them. She'd call random people out on other rude things too, but at the same time would go out of her way to help anyone.

The decay of our country is evident everywhere. To me it seems theres too many people looking for their handout or a quick way to make a buck(often dishonestly through scams). The penalties for such things have all been reduced so far that nobody cares. I do not condone child abuse, but do thing kids need to get their ass chewed more. Too many feel invincible and too many parents feel their kids are angels.

I listen to people whine about no jobs, poor economy and how their $8/hr job is not enough to live off. Yet you look at what their "standard" of living is and its much higher than it needs to be for their income. Lower your standard of living, or find a way to increase your income legally. The fast food workers recently protested they wanted $15/hr because they cant live on the money they make. Well last time I checked there are 168hrs in a week and you are only working 40. If the money you make in those 40 hrs isnt enough get another job and work more hours. If you work 80hrs its still less than half of your week spent at work. If you do not want to work that much, try to get a better job, or learn to live with less.

Our employees send half of their paychecks back to their families and still drive decent vehicles, have cell phones, have clothes, food and a place to live. Many have families of their own here as well. Most of them do not make $10/hr but they put in 70-90hrs per week because they want to. (Ag doesn't pay overtime). They all live very well on this, but they also know what its like to have nothing so they manage their money very tight. They cook every single meal themselves which saves a ton of money on its own.

People will complain that there are no jobs, yet they don't make an effort to go get one. Right now the Ag and Vocational industries are severly short handed. There are a lot of jobs out there that are not filled right now. The issue is that our school system pushes every kid to go for a 4 year degree. many schools cut out the ag and vocational programs before anything else. Some schools dont even have shop classes let alone ag classes. My tiny rural community of 3000 people, surrounded by farms, was not going to build a classroom for ag class and did not want to build any shops for tech ed classes, they wanted more english and math. Eventually they were overuled, but its happening in other schools.

The issue is that every tom dick and harry has a 4 year degree now and can't find a job, the companies who offer them know this and dont pay well because of it. These students generally have large student loans to pay back as well. In addition most of them never worked a day in their life either. Their parents didn't make them get a job and when they went to college they figured school was their full time job. They come to the market with a degree but no job skills. Who wants to hire that person.

Meanwhile the kids who actually do go to trade schools often feel like they are the "dumb" ones because they didn't choose a 4 year degree. However they generally work while going to school as its often required by many trade programs. Their loans are smaller and they enter the workforce earlier. The industry needs diesel techs right now. Many start out making more than anyone with a 4 year degree will start out making.

Even people who don't want to go to school can get a job. They say there are no jobs or they blame the migrant workers for taking all of the low paying jobs yet no American is out there trying to get those jobs. They are often very laborious nonflattering jobs yet they still pay money. I read about people complaining they cant get a job, then I read about how many thousands of acres of produce will rot away this year out west because they cannot get enough manual labor to pick it partially due to the tighter immigration laws. They are taking the migrant workers away, but no Americans are taking these jobs. Probably because they figure they can just sit around and collect welfare.

I have said it often, I don't get into politics because I know how depressing it would be if I read into it more. I always have my backup plan, if things go downhill too far I'll just move to Germany. I like everything they do better anyways. Sure they are socialist, but their people actually work.

I saw a halloween blurb that I thought was funny regardless of your political views.

"This year I am going as a liberal, when trick or treaters come to my door I am going to take half of their candy so that I can give it to the kids that were too lazy to go trick or treating".

Sums it up pretty well. Sure theres a few people who need help and I am fine with that, but theres too many mouth breathers sucking on the gubmint teet.

You should have met my grandmother, she'd do 90+ down the highway when she was in her 80's:) She would get pissed about slow old people holding everyone else up. P.S. she'd drive while hooked to her oxygen tank!

I yell at my Gma all the time, shes one of those drivers who mashes the pedal and hits 90, then lets off and coasts to 60 then back again. Then if she gets into the music shes all over the board.

Sounds like a scum bag a lot of those in the diesel world it seems

A lot of them in every world.


Mar 9, 2012
Albuquerque, NM
Picture looks like Piston slapping crank. Bent rods?

I agree, many lazy people out there that piss me off to no end. I let them all know too. My mom was always that way. Hold the door open and if they didn't say thank you she'd yell YOUR WELCOME to them. She also hated college kids, it was the same school she went to, but now they all take the "yeild to peds" as a right of way to cross the street whenever. So she'd just keep driving slowly like she was going to hit them, pissed a lot of them off but you'd be stuck at a green light until it turned red if you waited for all of them. She'd call random people out on other rude things too, but at the same time would go out of her way to help anyone.

The decay of our country is evident everywhere. To me it seems theres too many people looking for their handout or a quick way to make a buck(often dishonestly through scams). The penalties for such things have all been reduced so far that nobody cares. I do not condone child abuse, but do thing kids need to get their ass chewed more. Too many feel invincible and too many parents feel their kids are angels.

I listen to people whine about no jobs, poor economy and how their $8/hr job is not enough to live off. Yet you look at what their "standard" of living is and its much higher than it needs to be for their income. Lower your standard of living, or find a way to increase your income legally. The fast food workers recently protested they wanted $15/hr because they cant live on the money they make. Well last time I checked there are 168hrs in a week and you are only working 40. If the money you make in those 40 hrs isnt enough get another job and work more hours. If you work 80hrs its still less than half of your week spent at work. If you do not want to work that much, try to get a better job, or learn to live with less.

Our employees send half of their paychecks back to their families and still drive decent vehicles, have cell phones, have clothes, food and a place to live. Many have families of their own here as well. Most of them do not make $10/hr but they put in 70-90hrs per week because they want to. (Ag doesn't pay overtime). They all live very well on this, but they also know what its like to have nothing so they manage their money very tight. They cook every single meal themselves which saves a ton of money on its own.

People will complain that there are no jobs, yet they don't make an effort to go get one. Right now the Ag and Vocational industries are severly short handed. There are a lot of jobs out there that are not filled right now. The issue is that our school system pushes every kid to go for a 4 year degree. many schools cut out the ag and vocational programs before anything else. Some schools dont even have shop classes let alone ag classes. My tiny rural community of 3000 people, surrounded by farms, was not going to build a classroom for ag class and did not want to build any shops for tech ed classes, they wanted more english and math. Eventually they were overuled, but its happening in other schools.

The issue is that every tom dick and harry has a 4 year degree now and can't find a job, the companies who offer them know this and dont pay well because of it. These students generally have large student loans to pay back as well. In addition most of them never worked a day in their life either. Their parents didn't make them get a job and when they went to college they figured school was their full time job. They come to the market with a degree but no job skills. Who wants to hire that person.

Meanwhile the kids who actually do go to trade schools often feel like they are the "dumb" ones because they didn't choose a 4 year degree. However they generally work while going to school as its often required by many trade programs. Their loans are smaller and they enter the workforce earlier. The industry needs diesel techs right now. Many start out making more than anyone with a 4 year degree will start out making.

Even people who don't want to go to school can get a job. They say there are no jobs or they blame the migrant workers for taking all of the low paying jobs yet no American is out there trying to get those jobs. They are often very laborious nonflattering jobs yet they still pay money. I read about people complaining they cant get a job, then I read about how many thousands of acres of produce will rot away this year out west because they cannot get enough manual labor to pick it partially due to the tighter immigration laws. They are taking the migrant workers away, but no Americans are taking these jobs. Probably because they figure they can just sit around and collect welfare.

I have said it often, I don't get into politics because I know how depressing it would be if I read into it more. I always have my backup plan, if things go downhill too far I'll just move to Germany. I like everything they do better anyways. Sure they are socialist, but their people actually work.

I saw a halloween blurb that I thought was funny regardless of your political views.

"This year I am going as a liberal, when trick or treaters come to my door I am going to take half of their candy so that I can give it to the kids that were too lazy to go trick or treating".

Sums it up pretty well. Sure theres a few people who need help and I am fine with that, but theres too many mouth breathers sucking on the gubmint teet.

I yell at my Gma all the time, shes one of those drivers who mashes the pedal and hits 90, then lets off and coasts to 60 then back again. Then if she gets into the music shes all over the board.

A lot of them in every world.

I agree. Lazy Americans want a high paying job where they have to do very little. Those jobs are few and far between. It's the path of least resistance to just collect a government check. I don't care for some of the problems immigration brings but I admire the fact they are not above scrubbing toilets and flipping your burgers to feed their family. A true lesson in humility a lot of government mooching Americans would do well to learn. Mexicans are pretty damn hard working people.