Well within the last month we've received a crap load of rain. Went out to the truck one day to find a puddle of water on the floor and dripping from overhead console. Well seen it was coming from one of the screws I took it out and put seal all stuff in there and thought all was well. Boy was I wrong! Went to move the truck today and just a huge puddle on the floor and on the dash looked up at the lights and of course all full of moisture inside the housings and found a huge crack on the side just allowing water to flow right in! So that's it I've had it with these shitty quality made products. I purchased the truck with them on and had to replace them once due to prettyuch the same thing so its time to rip them off and have the roof plugged and repainted. Sucks cause I love the cab light look but deff not worth the thousands of dollars its gonna do when it shorts the truck all out. My question is has anyone here done this? And if so what kind of pricing we looking at? Thanks.