On my way to work @ 7:00am this morning. I was on the back country roads, when a School bus coming from the opposite direction, decides to turn directly in front of me. I guess he was trying to go into a farmers driveway. Well the farmer had his dumpster in the middle of the driveway for the garbage man. So Im going about 70mph as the bus comes to a stop directly crossing the road, and throws on his red's. I locked up the truck, and had to do a little dirt trackn' to keep from having yellow racing stripes. After I came to a stop, the trans did an awful slam pulled a p0700,p0751,p0756.p0873,p0877. It was stuck in 4th for about a mile until I got to work and was able to clear the codes. I think I was Mikes alarm clock this morning. SO far so good, but the trans seems to be relearning the shifts, as the master said it probably would. I felt like ringing that drivers neck...