You could ask Mark to reconfigure your tune to be on a "stand alone" OS. Not all OS's are created equal and some are better for stand alone applications if I've understood correctly.
You could ask Mark to reconfigure your tune to be on a "stand alone" OS. Not all OS's are created equal and some are better for stand alone applications if I've understood correctly.
The issue is with the push-button 4wd..... With no TCM there to send the data message to the TCSM that the trans is in neutral, the TCSM will inhibit a shift to 4-low.
Could you just run a ground to the pin 39 or black wire in the c2? That is the the park/neutral signal with the Allison. The tcm I imagine is sending a signal to that pin, which allows it to change into 4low. Running wired up signal to that(ground or signal idk) couldn't that fool it?
Just find a 261 transfer case.
Can you just go redneck and crawl under the truck and manually put the xcase in 4lo when you want/need it? :thumb:
Did you hook it this weekend, Ben?
No. Re-read my post. Its a DATA MESSAGE from the TCM to the TCSM (transfer case shift module). You cant "FAKE" a data message.
You can fake a data message, but it is well beyond the abilities of mpg DIY guys, myself included.