You have your opinion now this is mine... I don't have lots of money to do things over twice I know Mike L is one of the best Allison builders in the country. I have not had personal experience with George but coming from Mike L he is next to none. Personally I wouldn't trust a Diesel shop to build an Allison unless they are known... You think Mike L just installs the Suncoast kit the way the instructions tell you? Mike L is the best because he tweaks each transmission to according to his discoveries of what works and what doesnt.
Just curious you say there are lots of Allison builders that aren't on the internet ok well then how do they know what works and what doesn't? Mike has done more Allisons than anyone builder has... Anyone that builds engines, transmissions, or any serious component of our trucks are doing you a SERIOUS! disservice by not being on the internet hounding every site, thread, and new idea that is being asked or discussed. If everyone just installed everything the way the manufacture said to do then we would have never figured out how to make things last.