AirDog Warranty Problems


Dmax Nut
Oct 23, 2008
Montreal, Canada
I just don't understand the way this company does business. I've ordered many of these for customers and even put one on my brothers truck. So it fails and I contact AirDog, get the runaround about them not finding the warranty card that I know I sent in. "Sorry, but we can send you a rebuilt motor for $250!" Now why would I do that when it's supposed to be covered by the warranty to begin with?? Take a look at my posts and threads, I never vent about this stuff. I've dealt with all the big names and never had a problem with warranty. Anyone else have problems with getting their defective Airdog warrantied?



Daggum farm truck
Staff member
Feb 14, 2007
Yes, there was already a thread about this a few months back.

Rob bob

New member
Dec 16, 2011
Same issue's here.. Customer service is no good, product is marginal at best.

Bet there company is not doing well.


<- wish i was there
Sep 18, 2008
How old was the pump? Also it's $220 and you get a brand new unit with a new warranty card.

Madmatt; FASS has the same warranty and has alot more hoops to jump through.

Actually the company is doing better than ever. Every product has its problems, they are man made electrical parts, that's why there are warranties.


Smell My Finger...
Aug 14, 2006
Yup GMC-2002-Dmax the Moonshine man tried to rip off Air-Dog by not sending in his warranty card and cried about it on his brothers truck awhile ago. :roflmao: :angel: :roflmao:

J/K but it did happen.


<- wish i was there
Sep 18, 2008
Not in my experience. FASS is easy and fair to deal with. :thumb:<O:p</O:p

X2..... I have had a fass 95 pump on my truck for 5 years. Never skipped a beat. I don't know why there are so many premature failures with the airdogs.

In my personal experience it hasn't been easy.

Most of the recent failures (8 mo to current) are issues during assembly on our end. Anything older than that and it's just known as a part failure. We changed internal parts 8 months ago and it was a bit of a learning curve to get them to be installed correctly, actually it was more of a beat the assembler in the head with a mallet to make him understand lol. .

The failures have nothing to do with bad motors, bad batches of anything or anything else along the lines of bad parts.


Smell My Finger...
Aug 14, 2006
The whole warranty card thing was beaten to death. I understand Airdogs policy and it makes complete sense (polices are polices) BUT there should be a better system of record that warranty card has been received. To have to call them to insure they received it isn't the consumers responsibility. In todays technology it should be if you want confirmation then the registration should be done electronically via e-mail as it would be so simple for Airdog to email back received then it's done!

For those doing it the old fashion way then they might have to call. It seems the only stumbling block is this issue the warranty card. Being how it's so important they need a foul proof way to get it done. If they don't then it seems they are hoping that buyers don't send in the card so they wont have to warranty the pump.

For Airdog not to have a policy and warranty every pump out there with no proof of purchase would be crazy. So they definitely need to set guide lines but do it in a simplex way. You know some still wont do it but at least they will feel better about denying warranty coverage. Just need to get rid of the 'lost card' issue.

Regardless there will always be someone bitching they got robbed ,its a no win no matter what they do. :D


Oct 27, 2009
Canton, MI
X2..... I have had a fass 95 pump on my truck for 5 years. Never skipped a beat. I don't know why there are so many premature failures with the airdogs.

ive had an air dog II 100, similar to the titanium 95, on for 5 years as well; not one issue.

it made 700 on a tt LMM for a year before I bought it as well.


New member
Apr 26, 2008
Under The Hood
What if the dealer activated the warranty? They have the buyers info, proof of purchase and sometimes the serial number of the pump (might be tougher for drop shippers). It would be the same as buying a car, truck, tractor, any non-hand tool off the truck or any other piece of equipment.

Warranty is a big issue. You want to know a company is confident enough to offer and easy to get and long term warranty. That means they are confident in their product. When they start denying warranty they know they built junk, just look at fords diesel program.

But at the end of the day, the best warranty is one you never need. I hate dealing in consumer markets (auto buying,appliances , electronics etc) warranties have gotten so out if hand with how much they try selling it by that.


<- wish i was there
Sep 18, 2008
I agree Mack.

We are working towards an online registration. It's in the process of being completed however with the 30day limitation on sending the card, in I would imagine it's tough to devise a system that will be "smart" enough to know this.

If we didn't want people to send the card in, it wouldn't be bright GREEN. I do believe that some people send it in and it gets lost in the mail. Hey IDK maybe FASS is paying off the post office to loose bright green cards lol. However the number of people that DON'T send them in greatly out numbers the peope that do.

However for people to think that we get them and just don't enter em' into the system is a bit insulting. I actually had a guy last week that said he didn't trust us to test his pump because he thought we would lie. I even offered to send him a whole new pump with a return label so we can test his.

Can't please everyone.

The only way for the dealer to activate the warranty is for them to send the card in. We have 5 ways to search for the warranty card; Customer name, date purchased, serial number, purchased from and model number. That is more than enough ways to find a warranty card.
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Smell My Finger...
Aug 14, 2006
I didn't mean Airdog per say as you have ,seen it here, have warrantied pumps with out the card, which is very honorable but there are companies out there know a certain percentage wont bother registering their product and that company will hide behind the fact no card no warranty PERIOD! As I said I don't see that with Airdog from what I've witnessed.

I too would find that insulting assuming that the cards are just thrown away. I would think that you would have a pretty big out cry of no warranty coverage complaints then what I have seen. Sounds like your on track to get this cleared up but like you said 100% approval you will never see.