Well, I was askin for Josh H and you:rofl: Oh i can only imagine on how much explosives are kept eyes on now days. And ya, im affraid Tannerite is somthing that we will only be able to enjoy a short while longer
As far as i know, besides buying the stuff, i can actually manufature "tannerite" myself legally, last i knew. Same rules apply, no transporting of it once binary components are mixed. That said, asking for AN would make me nervous. And i dunno where to get very fine alum. powder.
I wish tannerite could be setoff in another manner than a high velocity rifle round. I know it would take a pretty hot det. to do so and im sure thats somthing not avalible to me. We have an old junk car for 4th of july and some night tannerite blast on it would be real cool but darkness makes shooting it much harder and the shooter dosnt get the full intake of coolness as the spectators do.
Wowzzers! Thats a lot of C4
Thats gotta be cool