kenedys/ tts are boost refrenced as well
I have kennedy's pumps and they arnt boost refrenced. I hold 11 PSI at idle and about 5-6 PSI wide open.
kenedys/ tts are boost refrenced as well
I have kennedy's pumps and they arnt boost refrenced. I hold 11 PSI at idle and about 5-6 PSI wide open.
I have kennedy's pumps and they arnt boost refrenced. I hold 11 PSI at idle and about 5-6 PSI wide open.
so one pump dosent run at 3 psi and the other as boost and rpm rises the second pump comes on
i bought everything from kennedy so the pumps only run when the truck is running. I have my gauge coming from the fuel port on the motor. Kennedys kit also came with the 5/8's pickup. I see 10-11 PSI at idle on my isspro gauge....I think if you buy the pumps from TTS i think their harness is boost refrence.
I think kennedy buys the pumps from TTS then he fabs up the rest of the kit. You can get the twin pumps from TTS with boost refrence harness but i dont think they offer a secondary filter like kennedy does in his.
Kennedy does not buy pumps from TTS LOL Cole copied Kennedy's setup... long running story.
Oh sorry i blew up I did not know that. Sorry about that. Anyways the pumps are great just a bitch to prime. It took me a long time to figure out if i would of read the directions it would of took me 5 min to prime them instead of 3 hours....:rofl:
The black ones are a little stronger than the blue ones. The black one is what I have and works great.
.......I don't like the idea of recirculating all that fuel. I know it won't hurt anything, but I don't want it.....
This is something I never thought of before. All that recirculating of the fuel is likely to just add unwanted heat to your fuel system unless you have a good cooler with a fan on it. Especially if you run a small fuel cell.
I know on Simon's race truck, the cooler was upgraded but we never added a fan-something I think we should look into seeing as we are going to run two fuel circuits.
Thanks for the input BD!! It got some more wheels turning here
We ran the wire for the fan just never installed it.....But I believe I have the cure for the hot fuel
From what i have seen some FASS pumps are loud and some are not. My 150/150 is quiet for some reason. I have a friend whos FASS is ungodly loud. I have seen a quiet PPE pump and really loud ones too. Over all i love my FASS because of the filtering system.