Does anyone know what fuse is for the Acc. outlets not the cig. lighter?
I blew the fuse I think yesterday. I'm gonna have internet withdrawls if no one knows :rofl:
I was kinda thinking your favorite city was now Houston
Hey not to bug you, but you need a sig change
PS- it is going to be in my favorite city Ozona :rofl:
My wife will be glad you said "Ozona is my favorite Texas town". Hope that's not in sarcasm.
Did you stop and have some chatos?
Stay safe on your trip home.
Dude, Sonic is awesome.
it's the closest thing the non-SoCal world has to In-N-Out.
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm.......... In-N-Out. :drool:
Well not the one in Ozona...Might have to give another one a try if that is the case.
Have you made it to Ft. Stockton Kat?
Yes, we left there 23 miles ago. Topped off the tank and got the kid's McDonalds for dinner.
977 miles to home.
Wow, not much between there and El Paso, you'll have 1/4 of your trip complete by the time you get to New Mexico.
How's the cellular service for data transfer between San Antonio and El Paso?