"La Fee Verte" is my favorite brand
The active ingredient is thujone, distilled from wormwood, thujone can be a hallucinogenic and in not legal in the US, ( but it is in Canada, Absinthe can have up to 70% alcohol, the % of thujone varies depending on where it is made, the French and the Chezc's make some of the stronger stuff
Step1: place slotted spoon across the top of your glass
Step2: place one sugar cube on spoon
Step4: pour Absinthe over sugar cube in to glass ( a good dose)
Step5: light sugar cube on fire ( fun part!)
Step6: pour ice cold water on flame to douse and top up glass ( the mixture should turn cloudy, give a little stir to help)
Step7: Drink up!
Step8: Well I never rembember step eight
Step 5.5 inhale fumes from burnt absinthe
Is online the only way to get it?
Or move to Canada