I've got a nice little milage tune in the library here you might like for just a daily driver. Nothing big or serious. Pretty low smoke to no smoke and has a decent kick to it when you get in it, and it has been getting me a consistent 20MPG mixed driving in the BURB.
hmmm i may just have to look into that. thanks!
I hear ya on trying to make something that's not normally fast a bat outta he'll. I'm looking to someday and $20-30k down the road put my truck into the 11s...just a pipe dream but you never know
haha yeah. eventually this truck will become a tow/show/play truck only and ill drive something else around all the time. ITs gettin closer and closer to that point now lol. Id like to re-build the 6.6 stronger, twin turbo it, and some other little stuff to make a high hp truck that can still pull a heavy load on a fairly high hp tune. My magic number right now is 800hp in the next five years. we shall see!