6th Gear Issue


New member
May 15, 2012
Lawrenceburg, KY
Got my tranny (ZF-6) at a local shop.

Friday I stopped by and he said that it needs a synchronizer (6th gear) and will need a bearing that is ruined once removed. said he'd get prices for me on monday. Yesterday (monday) I stop back by and he informs me that parts are on their way, and that he also wants to replace 6th gear, saying that where the synchro rides against the gear is wore/rounded off somewhat. he tried showing me but I couldn't hardly see the difference. Here's basically what he's sayin it looks like, from a side view. (just to give you an idea... obviously not exact)
gear teeth: /
where synchro rides on the gear: > or )

./| >
//| )
//| >
//| >
//| )
//| >
//| )
//| >
/ | >

the ")" represents where some of the "synchro teeth" are rounded off a little. it's not every tooth. and the ones that he says are, I can barely tell.

Here's my thing - aren't the synchronizers the part that supposed to wear, not the gear?

Sucks, cause this really jacked the price up a good chunk more than I expected. (only problem with tranny was that it was slipping out of 6th gear sometimes).

Is it really possible that 6th gear needs to be replaced?


New member
May 15, 2012
Lawrenceburg, KY
update - turns out the side of the gear where the synchronizer mates with the gear is indeed worn. so ... guess it is possible for the gear to need to be replaced. :mad:


New member
Mar 26, 2012
sherrills ford
if you don't mind me asking, how much the gear was? i have a vf6 and it slipd out of 4th gear? i was wondering how much it was going to cost me to fix it.


New member
May 15, 2012
Lawrenceburg, KY
well, I haven't picked it up yet or gotten an itemized receipt... but i'm guessing the gear alone was in the ball park of $250-$300? but you may not have to replace the whole gear. hopefully the synchronizer alone will be do the job. and i aint sure how much that costs... maybe ~$100?

fourth gear is in the front half of the transmission... the way I understand it, here's how the gears are lined up(from front of tranny to back):
Front half of tranny: 5th, 4th, 3rd, 2nd (not sure hos it's all oriented, as far as upper/lower shaft or if there is a lower shaft in front half?)
Back half of tranny: 6th (on a lower shaft), 1st, and reverse (upper shaft)
see my other thread for pictures inside the back half. didn't have to get into the front half of mine.

I suggest having the whole tranny checked out while they're in there, if you have the $$$.

I'm paying ~$750 for 6th gear, one synchro, and a bearing that has to be replaced if removed. that's just on the back half of the tranny as well, not even opening the front half. and I pulled the tranny out myself and took it to him. he's high on labor apparently. :mad:


New member
May 15, 2012
Lawrenceburg, KY
Update -
6th gear.......................$210
6th gear synchronizer.....$210

Tranny is back in the truck. gonna finish buttoning it all up tonight and see how it does.


New member
May 15, 2012
Lawrenceburg, KY
Transmission is back in the truck and everything is as it should be. seems to be working fine again.

only thing, seems to make a little more noise than before... maybe just due to the fluid? running Castrol Dex/Merc (dex III equivalent) for a little while. didn't want to dump ~$100+ worth of fluid in it until i am sure it is right.

just wanted to update the thread and verify that apparently, in my case, the worn synchronizer was allowing the transmission to jump/slip out of gear.