if you use an arch welder or TIG and use a nickle based rod, you can weld very well to those cast steel center sections without a bunch of pre-heat (still good to have some though). lots of ultra4 guys have done this with axle trusses with great success.
otherwise i have welded to cast steel with reg old ER70S-6 MIG wire. the rear axle under my tracker was done that way and the front diff mounts were cut/modified this way as well. its all about the pre and post heat. you will start hearing popping or crackling noises as it cools if not, thats small fractures starting under your weld.
i know your learning and i would agree to knock it off and build one off the steel tube but this info will help if you plan to weld the housing to the tubes. you would need a pretty heavy duty machine to melt it all in though. something in the miller 210 and up type deal.
i applaud you at tackling this on and running with it! you really have done a pretty good job all things considered.
otherwise i have welded to cast steel with reg old ER70S-6 MIG wire. the rear axle under my tracker was done that way and the front diff mounts were cut/modified this way as well. its all about the pre and post heat. you will start hearing popping or crackling noises as it cools if not, thats small fractures starting under your weld.
i know your learning and i would agree to knock it off and build one off the steel tube but this info will help if you plan to weld the housing to the tubes. you would need a pretty heavy duty machine to melt it all in though. something in the miller 210 and up type deal.
i applaud you at tackling this on and running with it! you really have done a pretty good job all things considered.