09 Deer Season


New member
Feb 23, 2009
South Central Kentucky
Ive been bow hunting the last couple days out on a town beach, 7 mile long barrier beach, is only open every other year. Probably 50-60 deer running around out there, only 12 guys hunting it(if you hunt archery season out there you can't hunt black powder). Ive seen alot of does, been a few small bucks taken & saw 2 big boys this afternoon.
We lined up for the last hour of day light & all walked back towards the trucks.
I jumped a doe before I stepped in the woods, walked a few miles with not seeing anything. Came out to a clearing, just going along slow when I see some movement. I dropped down to a knee to, see a buck walking parallel with me at 30 yards, Im pretty much downwind of him. Old buck with grayish hair with a really wide 8 point rack. He didn't know I was there or was paying to much attention to some hot doe that probably ran by earlier. I pull back to shoot & something didn't feel right. I didn't know but the adjustment on the cam loosened up & picked up a couple of extra inches on the draw, the broadhead hit the sight & arrow unnocked. I tried pulling it back 3/4 of the way but it did it again. Then a nice 10 pointer was following right behind him, I never knew he was there till he winded me & off he went.
If I didn't have bad luck Id have none at all. The other guys guys kept saying atleast you saw them. Ya great.
So I have to miss the morning to get the bow looked at, hopefully get it fixed & make it out for some of the last day. I don't want to mess with it since I know jack about bow mechanics & don't want to screw it up any further.

Dang sorry for your bad luck maybe you will get another shot at one of them before season is over