06 LLY Wont Start, ATP EFI Live Errors ETC


Prerunner guy
Feb 28, 2013
I've only seen a couple LBZ ecms that are not recoverable in the 8 years of doing this. We can send you a tuned one and you can send us yours that is not communicating and let me see if I can recover it. If I can recover, then there will be no out of pocket cost if the autocal didn't burn a license.

The Bosch ecm's are very robust, battery voltage is important though. Things do happen like the cable getting bumped and disconnected/key turned off/etc. Tuning with the autocal is basically bomb proof on Bosch but things happen, hard to say what, not being there but most likely is recoverable.

Appears you can't call us from 8am to 6pm, but email works and will be answered. I recommend reaching out to us for the best solution for you.

I will call tomorrow first thing and see about getting one on its way to me asap. I was able to make due without my truck this week for work but need it for sure by next week. I'm hoping you guys have some tricks up your sleeves to try and recover it vs what my dealership buddies are capable of. I'm really not sure how the initial issue started. The autocal never lost power, never even moved, so I don't think the cable was the issue. And the 12.25 volts from the battery was taken after a few more attempts and battery usage Etc, so if anything i would assume the voltage would have been higher at the time of the tune. It's just the luck I've had with trucks lately, past 3 have given me a ton of issues.


Prerunner guy
Feb 28, 2013
I THINK with most ECMs, including the E35, once you get past a certain point in a flash, it's recoverable. If you're interested, I have a tech2, candi module and an older install of TIS2000 (has data up to 2007) - I can attempt to recover your ecm if you want.

Also, with regards to pulling fuses, the reason for doing so was for the 05 and older trucks that programmed over the class2 data bus that was shared with pretty much everything else in the truck. Sometimes other modules on the bus wouldn't play nice with the 'silence' command and caused problems with programming, hence the need to pull certain fuses. With the LBZ, the *only* things on the GMLAN bus are the ecm, tcm and gpcm. Pulling fuses will (should) make zero difference when flashing a LBZ truck (unless we're talking about a high draw device).

Thanks for that offer! And the additional info! I plan to just send it to ATP as I'm becoming more limited with time on getting it going again.


Prerunner guy
Feb 28, 2013
She's alive!!!!!!!! So happy right now!! Thanks to everyone at ATP for helping me get this fixed! And thank you everyone on this forum that pitched in some advice! Gonna wire in the dsp5 right now and go for a test drive!