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  1. M

    Considering DD'ing 350k mile LB7?

    I just read through your whole thread I really hope your get this together and back up running. I see the headaches you ran into and I'm gathering my parts to do injectors soon. Seems like it wasn't to bad until you hit a wall doing the Cali to Federal swap. Don't give up your so close can't...
  2. M

    TN call out

    Where is everyone at I'm located in Murfreesboro
  3. M

    Another one

    Okay didn’t know about the resonator just doing some reading and seen the block off offered for my year. Yes trans will definitely been beefed up once I make the move for HP gains. Actually going to look at a trans that a buddy has for a backup to slowly build
  4. M

    Another one

    Bdsankey Thanks for the answers to all that. I'm still reading up on things, and eventually I will add some more power so supporting future HP gainers is what I'm wanting to do. I have been looking and reading on the Resonator Delete to clean up the engine bay, and the Boost inline valve...
  5. M

    Another one

    New to the forum and to my new to me Duramax. Own plenty of 7.3s and 6.0s over the years got a good deal on this dually so i scooped it up. Now time to learn the do's and don'ts. Going to keep it close to stock for now haha. 2001 CCSB Chevy 3500 Auto 2wd Already has the Old Edge Juice tuner on...