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  1. 06CCDMAX

    My Luck

    Me? :angel: I'd never bust balls. :roflmao: And you get it. I'll look into Banks as I'm doing 304. But just shelled out a G for 304 SS exhaust for the bike.
  2. 06CCDMAX

    My Luck

    409 will surface rust. You posted up a thread about seeing surface rust on a 409 exhaust system, during salt season. I don't see what's not to get here. Surface rust happens. If it rusts through I get being upset. Not over that. But what do I know, not that I've shelled out that kinda...
  3. 06CCDMAX

    My Luck

    Some respectful and some disrespectful people on DF. Same as here. Plenty of Noobs on both too... I'm letting the personal stuff go, but my 409 vs 304... Good vs. inexpensive comments were valid. No, I'm not a sugar coat it type of person, but I'm not a talk-behind-your-back type either...
  4. 06CCDMAX

    My Luck

    Yes, some 304 SS will surface rust too. Depends on the quality of the steel. But 409 has a good bit of Iron in it. It will surface rust if left bare, guaranteed.
  5. 06CCDMAX

    My Luck

    Fired? Who said fired? If you take pride in your truck, buy 304 and don't worry about having to whine about light surface rust. Or buy Husker's aluminized kit. I hear it's really good......
  6. 06CCDMAX

    My Luck

    Said pride got you those Husker promotions? :hug:
  7. 06CCDMAX

    My Luck

    So? My post count on DF is a lot more than your count here. So this makes me some D'Max god or something? I've seen retarded assholes with 7 and 8k posts. Post counting..... My E-Peen's bigger.. :roflmao:
  8. 06CCDMAX

    My Luck

    :baby: 409 surface rusts. Salt make it happen quick. I though you worked for a diesel place. (Used to :rofl: )
  9. 06CCDMAX

    My Luck

    I'm not here much, mostly DF. So? 409 surface rusts. It's not a creeper comment. It's a fact. There are 304 exhausts for these trucks. Or deal with surface rust. Sorry the truth is crappy.
  10. 06CCDMAX

    My Luck

    409 Surface rusts. Get the 304 or don't whine. My .02
  11. 06CCDMAX

    Buyer Bewear- Eric (alliance1289) Ripped me off.

    Stories like this piss me off. I do small engine repairs and used sales as a side business. I USED to let people who seemed trustworthy pick up something and pay in the next few days. It became a use it, wreck it, and return it game and even though I'd outright refuse to return the deposit...
  12. 06CCDMAX

    LMM: EFI live

    Freedom of Speech. *(Exclusions apply)
  13. 06CCDMAX

    LMM: EFI live

    Cindy, I understand and respect your stance here. Now this thread was started by a 3rd party however, asking about ATP, and Hrlyguy is the one who did show up to bash. All I want to make clear is this isn't the first act from him, and it ALL FAIRNESS to ATP, it should be allowed to be...
  14. 06CCDMAX

    LMM: EFI live

    Yea! He got upset OVER NOTHING! Then threatened physical harm to other members, and went off the deep end. It wouldn't surprise me that he's just trying to get something for FREE out of ATP. THOSE TYPES ARE NOT TO BE TRUSTED. BTW: Rob's gonna be doing my tuning for SURE! :thumb:
  15. 06CCDMAX

    New guy from NY

    Hi everyone. Newish here. Have been in my 06 Duramax for close to a year now, and have been active on the DF but now looking for a couple forums to be on and get info as I get ready to mod. :thumb: