I have a new fix for our power steering hose blues. I will have them available next week and you can preorder them during our sale to take advantage of 10% discount and free shipping.
Click here to enter great deals..
I built the last truck in nine months from ground up but this one will have new challenges. First year will be a learning curve thats for sure. Already looking at up-grades for two years down the road. I would love to pull it next year but time will tell.
The DH 2.0 was sold to a puller in Indiana. DH 3.0 will be out as soon as i get it done and none sooner.. LOL I will pull it at as many pulls as i can make it too. It might be a late start with the new truck.
With the common Mahle piston bowl configuration HP is lost with the modified spray angle found in the Bosch motorsports nozzels vers the stock tip spray angles in the D-max and HP is gained in the common rail Cummins when using the MS nozzels.
Thats why i sit home and work on my truck on TS weekend. My first year was my last year. Too many hicks come out of the woodwork there and give the true Diesel suporters a bad name. Saw it first hand.