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  1. Tony Burkhard

    New Allilockers

    Well when you cant find it mine will always be right there were it was put.. LOL
  2. Tony Burkhard

    New Allilockers

    operating a hand held unit with fire gloves on sucks, That's why I have a big switch...
  3. Tony Burkhard

    PCV Valve Cover Nipple

    Did you check the USPS price?
  4. Tony Burkhard

    Rear suspension set up Here you go..
  5. Tony Burkhard

    All Season Centerlink Brace

    yes nylon. polish the front diff where it rides please.
  6. Tony Burkhard

    dhd alli locoker

    You wont if you use it as it was intended for.... Sled pulling or drag strip and no more than that.
  7. Tony Burkhard

    New Y-bridges coming soon...

    I can kick one around the shop for you.....
  8. Tony Burkhard

    Tranny build??

    The name of my pulling truck is Dirty Hooker. And if people take it as Im talking about a hoe than there dead wrong. My business has built itself around My trucks so the name is one that's easy to remember.
  9. Tony Burkhard

    Cognito brace vs All season brace

    Its designed to rub on the front diff.
  10. Tony Burkhard

    Cognito brace vs All season brace

    The corner of the diff is cutting the rub plate. Need to round the edges better.
  11. Tony Burkhard

    Cognito brace vs All season brace

    And install is only two nuts and a polish on the front diff.
  12. Tony Burkhard

    Cognito brace vs All season brace

    Everyone want the cost down so this is the best cheapest way to do it. We can make it so it don't but install time and cost of product will go thru the roof... My brace retails at $150.
  13. Tony Burkhard

    New 1550 Billet yokes are in stock...
  14. Tony Burkhard

    LLY: whats the best Y bridge?

    Most learn from there boss but I never worked for anyone else in the repair/building/design and production on performance vehicles.
  15. Tony Burkhard

    LLY: whats the best Y bridge?

    I hired Joe to build parts for me and at the time he was welding on ships. Now he has his own business and is selling parts I hired him to build... Should of had papers signed... We no longer have him build anything for us..... Great welder but my back is bleeding like a stuck pig...
  16. Tony Burkhard

    Ok guys need help here ASAP leaking trans lines

    call me just about anytime... you got my cell number.